Thursday, September 4, 2014

< 16

Seems our senators, who have nothing better to do, are debating the issue of whether or not to call for a name change of the Washington Red Skins.

Only sixteen of the senators have come out specifically stating that they think it none of Congress's business.  This might lead one to believe that there are sixteen senators intelligent enough to represent the people in Congress, until, that is, one looks at some of their stances on other topics, which narrows the field considerably.

Conclusion: The number of capable senators < 16.

(And when did it become the purview of the government to name businesses in the private sector?)


Grace said...

The Redskins would be my local team, if I cared about sports, which I don't. I think the whole thing is a bunch of hoo-ha. Involving Congress - oh like there is nothing else of any importance going on in the world or the country so what the hey...

vanilla said...

Grace, yes, exactly so.

Lin said...

There are people being we NOT have another thing to do in Congress? This is silly. Just plain silly.

vanilla said...

Lin, sadly it brings to mind the expression "fiddling while Rome burns."