Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Struggle is Real

People are living in a state of being constantly overwhelmed--
it's our new normal-- we've almost grown comfortable there.

We have been so taken captive by all the distractions of the world that we have actually grown friendly with it.  (Stockholm syndrome.)

Christ has been crucified.  The disciples gathered in a locked room fearing for their lives.
In the midst of their storm Jesus appears.  First thing he says is "Peace be with you."

Pressures of change keep coming at us
Some of the highways to pressure-- chaos, sleep deprivation.
We actually develop a condition designated "hurry sickness,"
a behaviour pattern charactized by constant rushing, urgency.

There is always something that is more important than the moment in which we are living right now. 
An undercurrent of emotional strain is pulling us away from focus, creating panic

The undercurrent is the really scary part.  Anxiety keeps pulling us, creating a perfect storm for disaster.  We don't realize the danger. How do we deal?
     1.  must find a place of rest.
     2.  must know what our purpose is.
These are missing for most in our day.

Mark 4:35-41 In which Jesus, taking rest on a cushion in the stern of the boat with chaos and storm raging all about, terrifying his disciples, is awakened, calms the storm and asks, "Why are you so afraid?  Do you still have no faith?"

The characteristics that Jesus shows here are available to us as God's people.
Jesus is aware of his mission, thus focuses on the task at hand.
He recognized that he needed to take a step back following the intense ministry to the people.  He needed rest.

A lot of the struggles we deal with are are the result of the pressures others put on us.

Jesus is calm in the presence of chaos.  He is at peace on a cushion! totally counter to what we would be doing.  We want to be like Jesus, but sadly we are more like the disciples  "Why doesn't God care about us?"  He is completely oblivious, it seems. 

Step back and say, "God, what is it that you want me to do?" 
Recommit yourselves to the beautiful thing called rest.
We fight against rest, but God wants us to rest.  He built sabbath into our routine. Rest is a primary place where we recenter ourselves, rebuild our trust in God.

Experience anew His grace, renew your faith.

Jesus first call was not to go, but to be with him.

When we rest we begin to share in peace.

Martha said, "Jesus, tell her to help me."
Jesus said, "What is best is to share in my peace."

Train the soul to experience the rest and peace of God.  Then we will become dissatisfied with the pleasing of others, etc.

"Rest is a friend we would love to connect with, but we are too busy."  We'll rest when we are dead.  That's scary.  In our busyness it seems we are in a hurry to get there.

"Come unto me and I will give you . . .rest!"
The world demands mind, soul, body.  No.  Come to me, I will care for you.  It's too good not to receive.

My heart breaks for those who are running away.  Jesus says, Come to me!

Pastor Johnnie Blair
Sunday morning

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