Sunday, January 27, 2019


A few introductory questions.  Who are your people? Who brings the best out in you? Who makes you feel at home?  Who makes you feel safe?  Who has your back?*

Everyone needs someone he can run to when in a tough spot.

Our need to be in a relationship with others is innate, built into our genes.

Continuing in Acts chapter two.  The Holy Spirit takes a very diverse group of people and brings them together in unity.  The Holy Spirit gave each listener the ability to understand the message regardless of their native language, Peter preached Christ and 3000 people joined the Church!

Verse 46:  They devoted themselves to fellowship.  What does it mean to be fully devoted?
     1.  Commitment to God
     2.  Pursuing God
     3.  Faithful to God
     4.  Listening to God
     5.  Waiting on God.

What does it truly mean to be in fellowship with Jesus Christ?

Fellowship in this passage is the translation for the Greek "koinonia," a word for which there is no equivalent English word.  In other Bible passages koinonia is variously translated "sharing," "communion," "participation."

God's people are our people.  We are all different and serve in different roles but we all have Jesus Christ in common!

Koinonia requires
     1.  Unity.  It does not require sameness.  On the contrary, it demands diversity.
     2.  Proximity.  We have communion with those we are close to.
     3, 4.  Vulnerability, Transparency.  We have to be real, what you see is what I am.
     5.  Generosity.  Generosity does imply giving of time, talent, and resources.  But generosity also requires receiving.  Too often we are bad at accepting, receiving gifts from others, and from God.  Because all gifts are ultimately from God, to hoard or practice stinginess is transgression. (Pastor didn't actually say that last line, but I got it.)

*Pastor talked a bit about our desire to be around people that make us feel good about ourselves, people who validate us, which reminded me of a line from the cartoon "Zits" in which Pierce tells Jeremy, "Dude, it sucks to be you."

Pastor Johnnie Blair
Sunday morning

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