Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Billions Yet to Come

Yesterday, we are told, the population of the earth surpassed seven billion persons. The hand- wringers moan that the planet will not be able to support us. Which is absurd. Though it is not equitably distributed, there is food enough for everyone and more. The waste is unbelievably huge. Space? Arithmetic will show that seven billion people could be contained in a space the size of Texas at a density comparable to that of present-day density of NYC.

Yea! for the world. Yea! for mankind. Let's go; let's grow. But let's become more responsible, more caring.


Anonymous said...

Let's not and say we did...the growing part I'm sure will be easily accomplished but ain't no one listening to the "responsible" part.

Lin said...

I dunno. I'm not so keen on being so crowded. It's hard to live close to your neighbors--just stop by here sometime. I can hear my neighbors sneeze from inside my house--NOT a good thing. :(

vanilla said...

Grace, in point of fact, irresposibility probably increases proportionately to population growth. Makes sens, no? More people, more idiots.

Lin, I'm not a fan of crowded conditions; I like some space.