Based on the eighth commandment. “Thou shalt not steal.”
1. Is this injunction to be taken literally?
Yes, but with certain exceptions.
2. What are the exceptions?
Principally, in the cases wherein the State grants a license to
3. Can you cite examples to illustrate your assertion?
Yes. The banking industry, for example. Banks are granted a license to
Also, telecommunications companies are licensed to conduct business, i.e.,
a license to steal.
4. Are there other examples?
Yes, a case in point is the State itself, in which it licenses to itself
the power of operating lotteries, thereby stealing vast amounts of money from
those who can least afford the loss.
Also, the taxation systems in many federal, state, and local governments are
essentially licenses to steal, inasmuch as the "ins" use the codes in overreach of their
legitimate function in pursuit of activities not granted to them in their constitutions,
thereby taking from some illegitimately to buy votes from
others. Stealing. There are yet other instances.
5. If the State then is a role-model for our moral behavior, then is it
not right for me to steal if it is to benefit me or my kin?
No, the State will throw you in jail quicker than baking soda reacts with
vinegar in a fifth-grade science experiment. “Do as we say, not as we do,” is the
mantra of the State.
6. I see. Then essentially might we accurately say we are screwed?
A Catechism -- and cataclysm in the making.
Chuck, I totally fear that that is exactly the case.
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