Monday, October 10, 2011

Rain and Frost Will Cool Them

What started out as shenanigans by dopey college students and superannuated hippies is being coopted by the labor unions and the far-left progressive politicians who see gains to be made by support of a "populist movement."

So long as it is not a tea party.


Lin said...

And the insanity continues....

vanilla said...

Yes, Lin, the beat goes on. Sheesh.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

What's wrong with the tea party? I can't say I know a LOT about them, but heck, I'm Taxed Enough Already. And there's no hope in the DNC or GOP...

vanilla said...

Rebecca, my footnote only addresses the fact that the left-wing wants nothing to do with tea party. I accept that taxes are necessary; what I resent is how so much of them are being spent. Yours for wiser and less spending, Bob.