Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Caffeinate Me

Old people's social bash last night.1
Decaffeinated coffee is the devil's brew.2

I've not been terribly concerned about "global warming." Not, that is, until I read that it may ultimately be the cause of coffee going extinct. *gasp* Oh, wait. Even if so, I'd have to live to be 396 years of age to see that happen.

1"night" = 6:30 - 8:30
2Not original with me, but true, nevertheless.


Secondary Roads said...

Decaff makes the arthritis kick up so bad that I can hardly stand it. I agree bad stuff--very bad stuff.

vanilla said...

Chuck, indeed. I'd as soon have a nice cup of hot tap-water. May you always find your coffee hot, strong and caffeinated!

Secondary Roads said...

Thank you brother and may your blessings be bountiful.