Friday, April 28, 2017


Antsy.  Man, I miss watching that giraffe pace around and around her cage.  ^_^


Grace said...

What was the giraffe's name - April? I kept seeing blurbs on FB about the giraffe and I couldn't for the love of me figure out what the heck everyone was talking about. Finally I tracked down that they were talking about a pregnant giraffe and I thought "Beyond stupid".

vanilla said...

Grace, amazing. I was in a group of perhaps 120 adults about a week ago. The moderator in fun asked "How many of you saw April give birth?" I could not believe that probably more than half the crowd raised a hand. Where do they find the time?

Lin said...

It's amazing what social media and the "news" bring to us, isn't it? I guess it's better than the Kardashians, isn't it?

vanilla said...

Lin, your observations are correct. I am blessed (I think) to be able to say I've never watched the Ks, and in fact I had no idea who they were for the longest time.