Sunday, November 6, 2016

Is there hope?

It seems we have become an unruly mob of riff-raff who will assemble and shout down the President as he attempts to express a valid idea.  I mean, he is the President.  What is the matter with us?

Too many years of "If you want it you should have it; if you don't have it someone should give it to you." ?
Too much self-absorption, undisciplined living?
 Or just plain disrespectful of self and everyone else?


Grace said...

All of that!

vanilla said...

Grace, unfortunately. Respect for others must begin with self-respect. It seems the last couple of generations (or more) have been sadly lacking in instruction in the art.

Lin said...

Add in a little bit of "if if feels good, do it." Well...maybe a lot of that.

This is riding on a very unpleasant evening of community theater where the young man and his gal said every line and sang every song of the show behind us until I finally turned around and gave him "the look." Apparently they had performed the show in high school. Still....

They moved at intermission. I guess I was the "bad guy." Go figure.

vanilla said...

Lin, your example is just another in a never-ending parade of bad behavior.

kc bob said...

I think that it is a very complex issue. The Boomer generation came into its own on the waves of free sex, free pot and a general rejection of our parent's values. We did not respect our parents' values and now wonder why our children/grandchildren do not respect our values. Add on that external forces like economical and civil injustice. Not saying that I have a clue but I do think that these things did not happen over night.

vanilla said...

KC Bob, clearly the problem developed over a long period of time spanning three or four generations.