Saturday, April 25, 2015


“I found the most fantastic floor lamp at Merv’s antique shop.  Had to have it,” Herk told me. “I brought it home, set it in the living room.  It was great!  Then Tildy came home from work." 
“What the heck is that?” she asked.
“Isn't it great! It speaks to me,” I said.
“You are lucky to have it then because as long as it is in the house, I won’t.”


Secondary Roads said...

I won't ask . . .

vanilla said...

Chuck, no, no. Not me, Herk and Tildy. Here, it is more likely that BBBH will drag some ancient thing in, and I will keep my mouth shut. (See how long I have lived!)

Lin said...

Uh oh. Herk's gotta learn to leave the decorating to Tildy.

vanilla said...

Lin, that would be the course of wisdom.