Sunday, April 26, 2015

That's Our Song: Intimacy

or, Let's Get Naked.

We learn to see not a perfect person, but an imperfect person perfectly.

To be known, fully known is one of the greatest joys of being human.

The scripture lesson is Genesis 2: 18 - 25

God, having made everything, pronounce his creation "good."  But here we hear him say, "It is not good."  It is not good for man to be alone.

Intimacy is gravely important in marriage.  
Intimacy between man and wife is much greater than intimacy in any other relationship.

An intimate relationship is an interpersonal  relationship that involves the emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of the participants.

Many marriages operate under a false idea of intimacy.  It is much more than romance and sexual activity.  Our current society is so oversexualized that we don't have a proper understanding of intimacy.

In the account in Genesis we see that when God brought the animals before Adam, Adam gave them names, that is, he assumed dominion over the earth and all that is in it.  But when God brought the woman before Adam, he did not name her.  He did not assume dominion over her, but instead he burst into song, for a suitable helper had been found!

The woman was suitable, for she was the same, yet different!

We note that after The Fall, Adam named the woman.
  • Too many men, and women, accept dominance of man over woman.  This is not conducive to intimacy or partnership.
Many marriages have substituted children for intimacy.
  • Children are born as a result of intimacy.  What a shame to lose intimacy because of the children.
  • Once you have children you have to work all the harder to maintain intimacy.
When you look into the eyes of your child you see a part of yourself.  When you look into the eyes of your spouse you should see a part of yourself.

Intimacy requires work, dedication, commitment, communication, and togetherness!

How can intimacy be properly found?  To make it happen
  1. Leave  father and mother to start a new relationship.  Failure to shift interest from parent to spouse is operational in almost all failed marriages.
  2. Weave your lives together.  More than being together in the moment, make the moment together.
  3. Cleave, stick to, cling to.  Won't leave when things get bad.  Commit to communication and forgiveness.
  4. Get naked and feel no shame.  Sexual activity is the pinnacle of commitment in the marital relationship.   Sexual activity is reserved solely to the marital relationship.   Angry people and strangers can have sex, but that is not intimacy.
When you look at your spouse know that there is nothing to hide and nothing to hide from.  We must help people see that God desires more from them.

NAKED:  Fully known, fully know one another.

Mutual love and affection built to the level of physical intimacy.
  1. Start to communicate; forgive.
  2. Get to know your spouse, the completed "good" that makes you, you.
  3. Rediscover intimate conversation.
  4. Schedule time away together, opportunities to build memories.
Rejoice in one another!

Listen to the sermon? Click -->HERE<--

Pastor Johnnie Blair
Sunday morning

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