Monday, July 21, 2014


So nobody figured out that if we let the deconstructionists take over, everything falls apart.
--Church Curmudgeon

Exactly so. 1) If we let the deconstructionists take over, everything falls apart.
2) Nobody has figured this out. Except for me and the Curmudgeon. Come on, Folks. Get on board.
Too, I mean this generally, whether we are speaking of literature, history, philosophy, you name it. A pox on it, and on its twin, postmodernism.

There are absolutes. Like it or not.


Grace said...

I enjoy reading ole Bob - tho most of the time I haven't a clue what he is on about. Or why. But I know the feeling of having an odd passing thought and wanting to write it down.

vanilla said...

Grace, yes, that is Ol' Bob, odd passing thoughts going through his head quite often.

(This one springs from his frequent ruminations about literary criticism and modern philosophy generally. Just ignore what makes no sense.)

Grace said...

I gotta tell ya, as much as my ping pong brain bounces a lot of odd thoughts around, literary criticism and modern philosophy have never been among them LOL

vanilla said...

Grace, I just don't understand at all why you don't think about the same sorts of things I do. One of us is strange. Wait. That could be me. :-D