Wednesday, September 25, 2013

More "TV Review"

The Missus subscribes; I just bring it home from the mailbox.  What caught my eye here, though, was the "60 Hot Shows" blurb.

I submit that there probably have not been sixty "hot shows" in the history of the medium.  Depending, perhaps, on what is meant by "hot."


Lin said...

Aw gees, I'm lucky if there are 5 things I watch these days. And we turn it on for the show we want to see and then turn it off. Who's watching this stuff?

Grace said...

60 hot shows? For THIS tv season? Surely they jest...

vanilla said...

Lin, painful, isn't it. And we pay for delivery to the screen.

Grace, my thought exactly. Really tough, I daresay, to find one or two.

Secondary Roads said...

Would that would be the equivalent of "The Best 40 presidents of the USA." Crazy!

vanilla said...

Chuck, a corollary there, I'm sure.