Friday, November 8, 2019

Courage and the Greater Good

Accidentally saw part of a "news" clip while surfing (looking for a spaghetti Western). "It takes real courage to write a whole book anonymously," quoth the anchor.
And here we are. It is logical that in a time in which evil is called good that cowardice should be called courage.

National network "news" cast.  Why cannot these people report the news?  If the anchor has an opinion she should get a soapbox-- or write an op-ed column but don't call it news.


Lin said...

I just happened to be on the treadmill in front of the TV screen at the gym this morning. Since I have headphones on, I can't hear the blather...but with each "news" story, they would replay the video clip 4 or 5 times. They just keep saying nothing...or spewing the same opinions over and over again trying to make everyone believe them. It's madness.

Secondary Roads said...

Most of the media that I consume this days is Youtube videos on faith, health, science and geopolitics.

vanilla said...

Lin, madness: exactly.

Chuck, a much more substantive use of time.