Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Struggle is Real--Prayer and Fasting

The scripture lesson is Mark 9:14-29 in which a man whose son is afflicted with a demon asks healing of Jesus's disciples, but they cannot do it..  When Jesus arrives the man says to him, Heal my son if you can.  "If you can?" said Jesus.  "Believe."  The man replied, I believe; help mine unbelief.
Jesus healed the lad.

Why were the disciples, who had been given authority by Christ, unable to perform the requested action?  The power was available to them.  But.  But they had not made themselves available to the power.   Many of us are in just this same position.

The disciples questioned Jesus as to why they were unable to cast out the spirit and Jesus replied, "This kind will only respond to prayer and fasting."   This is a critical piece in the faith puzzle.  "There are some spiritual breakthroughs that will only happen through intensive prayer and fasting."  --JB

"If you want to make yourself available to God's power, make yourself available to prayer." -JB

"God does nothing that is not backed up by prayer."  --John Wesley

Spiritual discipline:  Prayer is not an add-on; it is life's breath.  To breathe is to pray and to pray is to breathe.  Doubt begins to corrupt faith.

When we train ourselves in the discipline of prayer it becomes easy to discern the will of God.

Prayer expresses a felt need to God.  Fasting expresses our dependence on God.

In Matthew chapter six, Jesus gives us instructions regarding fasting.

It was suggested that we each select a mode of fasting and practice it, particularly during Lent, remembering always that fasting alone is insufficient without intensive prayer.

Preacher Johnnie Blair
Sunday morning


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