Monday, March 12, 2012


The evening social was scheduled for 5:30 and I arrived a few minutes early. Though some tables were filling up, I selected a seat at a thus-far vacant table. But soon others began to sit nearby. A couple came in, sat directly across. I introduced myself, as did the gentleman. The lady radiated chill, and the sniff was nearly audible. I said, We can move if someone else sits here." "No, no," she said. "That's all right." We start to get up, but the gentleman says, "Set your a$$ down. No one owns this table." "Well," she says, " we have been sitting here for twenty-one years." (Emphasize "have" as you read that.)

This is a "social" but not necessarily a sociable!


Lin said...

Well, that's a long time to be sitting in one place--it's no wonder she's crabby! Maybe if she got up every once in awhile....


And her point to going to "social" hour is what?

vanilla said...

Lin, not much socializing sitting in one spot. Her point? I've not the foggiest.