Sunday, April 28, 2019

Freedom in Christ

The lesson is from the story of the death of Lazarus in John 11.  We recall that although Jesus knew Lazarus was ill and that he loved him, he did not visit him but rather showed up four days after  his death.  This Jesus did to show the power of God to the people.

1.  Spiritual sleep.  Those in this condition suffer apathy and struggle --and fail-- to understand what Jesus is trying to do.  In regard to spiritual things they "just don't get it."

2.  Spiritual sickness.  If this condition persists it will result in spiritual death.

3.  Spiritual death.  These people are lost and cannot hear the voice of God.  There are no vital signs; they are completely dead.

Lazarus was physically dead four days (v.17)  The people thought Jesus had failed them when he did not show up prior to the death and heal Lazarus.  But Jesus never fails! 

 Jesus prayed addressing the Father in heaven, but his words were for the people that they might believe that Jesus was sent by God. (vv. 41,42)

When Jesus called him out he arose, even in his bound condition, the grave clothes hampering his ability to move or see.  Jesus said, "Take off the grave clothes and let him go."  (v. 44)

Jesus wants us to be free!

In order for resurrection to happen, death must take place.

When Lazarus responded to the call of Jesus, he who was dead now lived.  But he was still bound.
To Jesus freedom is as important as life.  He directed the people to free the man.

More than saving you, Jesus wants to set you free!  Our freedom is the will of God.  Freedom is placed in the hands of the community as Christ directed the bystanders to free Lazarus.
We must be part of the community in helping others break the chains that bind them.

We pray for one another; we encourage one another; we support one another!

No matter your bondage, Christ wants to free you.
Pastor Johnnie Blair
Sunday morning

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