Monday, August 20, 2018


The scripture lesson is based on chapter 21 of John's gospel in which we see the disciples on the shore of Galilee confused, distraught, downhearted because the Master is gone. 
 "What are we going to do?" someone said, and Peter said, "Well, let's go fishing," so they did and after fishing all night with no catch someone appeared on the shore and hollered,  "Catch anything?"

What do you do when you're not sure what's next?

1 Tenaciously seek and listen for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

2  Share with the faith community.

3 Engage and align with the word of God.

4 Integrate as needed counseling rooted in a biblical worldview.

5 Gather courage and take the next step of faith.

The disciples who were called to be Fishers of Men in their confusion went back to fishing for fish from which Jesus had called them. In the mundane and the confusion, in the brokenness, Jesus invites them back to the shore.

The principles of next
1 Waiting on Jesus is a common experience for all disciples.
2 When we are not sure what to do, do the next thing,
3 Trust that Jesus is present and he's got this. You Are Not Alone.
4 Jesus is always serving us even when we can't see him from our boat.

Jesus loves to work in and for those who know how to wait and listen.

The next thing becomes the best thing only when it is God's thing not ours.

Pastor Dave Sharpes
Sunday morning
Olathe Kansas

An earlier in-home Bible study discussion of John 21: *click*


Vee said...

When we are not sure what to do, do the next thing. Yes.

vanilla said...

Vee, important not get mired down in indecision.