The king was not happy, seems he liked Daniel.
The next morning the king, going to the den, found Daniel alive and well, reporting that the God whom he served shut the mouths of the lions!
No matter where we are, God is with us!
When were you last where you were not supposed to be? Daniel knew he was in violation of the king's edict and he prayed anyway.
Allow God to take the responsibility!
A look at Acts 9:19-23, 28-31 shows us Saul's encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. Blinded, he found assistance in Ananias of Damascus. When he recovered his sight, he prepared to spread the gospel.
How are we preparing for the next step? How are we preparing to help others?
1. We need to know Christ.
Take up the mantle of the New Covenant. Treat others with love and respect.
2. Surround ourselves.
Plug into the body of believers.
3. Live it out!
Matthew 28: "Go!" The Great Commission of Christ.
Whatever our calling in life, it is our mission to live out Christ's calling.
Pastor Brandon Shroyer
Sunday morning