Monday, April 9, 2018

Telly Fone!

Had just finished the soup, two bites of sandwich left.  Phone rings.  *sigh*


"Mmf mff mmmfmf."

"What?  I can't hear you!"

"This is Greg from XYZ National Opinion poll."

"I have an opinion-- I'd rather finish my supper!"  *click*

To the wife, "I suppose if they hook one out of fifteen it's worth their time.  But most people are probably not as rude as I am.  Oh, well, I've earned the right.  Anyone who's lived 83 years is entitled to say what he thinks."

Wife:   "Mmmf, mf mmrmf."


Vee said...

I cut the connection as soon as I discover it is a telemarketing call. Most usually this is mid-sentence for them, and I don't feel bad at all.

Secondary Roads said...

I usually just set the phone down and let them talk to the air.

vanilla said...

Vee, good technique. Amusement is scarce around here, so I pick up even when I'm pretty sure it's an annoyance call.

Chuck, wastes their time, not your. Good on you!

Lin said...

We don't pick up the landline anymore and have disconnected the answering machine. We only have it because it keeps my cable/internet bill low. I think they sell my number to make money, honestly. People who know me call my cell. All others ring into oblivion.