Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Why, then, is the old man sitting up writing at 1:34 in the morning?

Logical explanations for happenings in this household often not required, and a good thing it is, too, because often there is no logical explanation for whatever is going on.

At any rate, following surgery in the afternoon I went to bed early, ten p.m.  Slept, too.  For a bit.  Then I didn't so much.  Thus I got up, the Mrs. made me a cup of tea, and here i sit.  Feel better now, too, and I think I'll drag myself to the bed.

Good morning!


Grace said...

Perhaps the surgery from earlier in the day had something to do with it? I hope you got more sleep and rest and that your recovery will be swift and successful.

Lin said...

Ugh. I'm sure you body is out of whack after the surgery and the anesthesia. I hope you settle in better tonight.

vanilla said...

Grace, I am sure it did, and thank you.

Lin, anyway I am getting some sleep during the day! Then my whole circadian cycle will probably be out of whack!