Sunday, July 17, 2016

From Great to Good

Pastor Johnnie announced that this is the first in a series of sermons on "Hidden Character."

Today we study Barnabas; lesson is based on Acts 11:20-34.

Why was Barnabas considered "Good"?

Barnabas was a good man.  What does that mean? What does it mean to be "a good man"?

1.  Barnabas was good when it came to money.
     His first appearance in scripture is as a generous giver.  Generosity is a sign of goodness.

Barnabas was trustworthy in handling money for others.  How we handle possessions is a sign of goodness.  Good people have integrity.

2.  Barnabas was good in dealing with outsiders.  He sponsored the new convert, Saul, who would later be the Apostle Paul.  Saul tried to join the Christians but they were afraid of him, justifiably so, given Saul's history.  Barnabas witnessed in Saul's behalf.  He sponsored Paul, an outsider.  Barnabas took seriously the call to "Go, make disciples.:
Barnabas is called the Son of Consolation.

3.  Barnabas was patient with others.  Barnabas gave John Mark a second chance, and in opposition to Paul.

SO, DO YOU SEEK TO BE GOOD-- or would you rather be great?
Greatness has more to do with fame and worldly success.  Goodness has to do with moral excellence. 
Ordinary people can be good.
Even great people can be good. 

     Goodness can only be achieved through the Holy Spirit.

Pastor Johnnie Blair
Sunday morning
Too many people have the gift of discouragement.  
They are like vacuum cleaners.  They are really
loud, and they really, really suck.


Secondary Roads said...

That is a beautiful sermon! It makes one stop and think, and hopefully react positively to the call to goodness.

vanilla said...

Chuck, would that I might aspire to be good: "Oh, to be like Him."