Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Did you take up your Cross?

 Salvation cannot be earned, it is a free gift from God through the blood of Jesus.

This is truth, biblical truth. Yet I am weary of those teachers who proceed from this to "You do not have to do anything to be saved." This they base on the argument that if we have to do something it limits God. These people should study the Bible instead of cherry-picking verses that support their notions.  

First, God limited himself when he created mankind and endowed the creature with free-will.

Second, look at scriptural examples of the requirements on man in obtaining salvation.

Salvation is a gift, but the gift must be appropriated.  If you give me a birthday present and I do not open it, have I received a gift? No; I have been offered a gift. In every instance of Jesus' performance of healing or granting of new life, the recipient is required to do something. "Come see," he said. "Follow me," he said. "Go and wash," he said. "Take up your bed," he said. "Come forth," he said.  In every instance an action is required. He even upped the ante when he said, "Take up your cross and follow me;" and when he said "Go, and sin no more."

Sadly, these people who say, "Well, I think I'll just go ahead and follow the devil, because he knows all the fun places, and I'll be okay in the end because God loves me," are in for a rude awakening.  Just saying.

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