Sunday, August 5, 2018

Mondays Matter

--First in the sermon series, "Made for Mondays."

Scripture lesson: Romans 12

1.  Our faith must be relevant to our everyday life.
      It is not what you say that counts, but how you actually live out your faith.
      Does your faith impact every decision you make on a regular daily basis?
      A faith not relevant is a faith not real.

2.  Faith must be lived in an authentic way.
     Those around you can tell if your faith is real.
      Verse 9:  Love must be sincere.
      Joyful, patient, prayerful.
      Verse 21:  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Mondays are hard.  Christians should be the most hard-working, honest and productive people in the workplace!

1,   Mondays should be viewed as a gift, not a curse.
      Work is a blessing, a gift.
       You have to work?  No!  You get to work!

2.  Mondays should be enjoyed, not just endured.

3.  Mondays should represent a calling, not just a job.
     "Whatever you do, do it in the name of the Lord."

4.  Mondays bring us a mission field, not just a career path.
     Jesus said, "You are salt and light."

Sundays were made for you, but you were made for Mondays!

Before sin came into the world, God put Adam to work in the Garden of Eden!

Have the Monday blues?  Stop it!  Fix your attitude.

 Be not overcome of (Mondays), but overcome (Mondays) with good.
--Romans 12:21 (Worker's Version)

 Pastor Johnnie Blair
Sunday morning



Vee said...

I like the concept of Sundays being for us and Mondays being the gateway day to mission. After retiring it is difficult to discover where one should be ministering. Maybe with a smile and tip at a restaurant, a meal for an ailing neighbor, or volunteering and praying that it makes some difference. I think the apparent lack of a mission is why so many retired Christians begin to feel that their lives count for nothing - or maybe it's just me.

vanilla said...

Vee, I think the sense of purpose is a problem for many retired Christians. But ministry may be in that smile, that tip, that kindness to one who deserves it, and perhaps especially in that kindness to one who doesn't deserve it.